Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dayton Ohio News Feb 28, 2015

If you’ve considered giving up your time and comforts to share your talents, knowledge and compassion to help others around the world, then the Peace Corps may be for you. You can learn more Saturday, February 28 during a recruitment and information session at the Dayton Peace Museum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Laura Chambers, Chief of Staff of the Peace Corps, is in town for the event. She says Ohio has a strong relationship with the Peace Corps, which was founded in 1961. Credits: Is the Peace Corps for you?

20 years ago Friday, a freak accident killed 13-year-old Brandi Browder of Beavercreek.Her coat’s drawstring got caught in her school bus handrail. She fell and was killed by the bus as it drove off.A lot has changed in the past 20 years. Children’s coats are not supposed to have drawstrings on them and the set of rules for school buses has gotten longer.But Brandi’s mother says more still needs to be done to keep another parent from having to go through what she did.“Your heart breaks. My heart broke that day in half,” exclaimed Debbie Browder.It’s been 20 years, but every time Debbie Browder sees a bus she’s taken back to the day her daughter Brandi died.“Running up to the scene. Sheets were up all around. Credits: 20 years of changes since Brandi Browder’s accident

Firefighters passing through a neighborhood helped sleeping occupants evacuate their home after they saw smoke from the outside.
Officials say an engine crew was passing through the area around 2 a.m. Saturday on the way to Miami Valley Hospital when they saw smoke coming from the roof of a home in the 1st block of High Street in Dayton.
 Credits: Firefighters pass house fire, alert residents

A vehicle that crashed into a pole and a building in Springfield also caused another crash on East Columbia early Saturday morning.
Springfield Police responded to the Second Harvest Food Bank at 701 East Columbia Street around midnight Saturday on reports of a car into that building. Officers say a driver crashed into a pole, knocking it down, before crashing into the building.
According to police, a second crash occurred when a vehicle then plowed into the fallen pole.

 Credits: Driver crashes into food bank in Springfield

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